Free Downloadable Content
An essential part of camp is our worship times. It's a chance to reset our focus on Jesus in communal praise.
Over the last 40 years, many songs have been sung at camp. So we've decided to create a playlist so you can enjoy them in the lead-up to camp. But this playlist also means you can listen to your favourite camp songs throughout the year too!
Have a listen: Elevate National Camp Playlist
Have we left off your favourite song from camp? Please let us know on Elevate National Camp Facebook page and we'll add it to the playlist!
2022 Workshop Resources
On Saturday afternoon we had the privilege to have 3 well-loved speakers, presenting 3 different workshops. We have created the resources below based on key ideas from their talks for you to download.
To find out more about our speakers and what they will be talking on, go to our Speakers page.
Prayer - Di Willis
Standing on the Word of God - Ps Geoff Wiklund
Fruit of the Spirit - Ps Bruce McDonald
Colouring Pages
Colouring can be a way to intentionally slow down and reflect upon what you have learnt in a session and meditate upon God's word. Rather than pick a few pages for you to choose from, we have listed a couple of websites that have heaps of different designs of Christian colouring pages that you can choose from and download for free!
Jo Ditt Designs - on this site you will find some of our favourite Bible verses written in large fonts with creative borders - in this collection is a fantastic one on the fruit of the Spirit
Kingdom Bloggers have multiple collections of different themed colouring pages based upon various designs and biblical topics, including birds, floral designs and the fruit of the Spirit.
Raise Your Sword has a page full of different simple designs on hope.